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✅ Al menos nueve muertos en una redada en Río de Janeiro, dice la policía brasileña

Al menos nueve muertos en una redada en Río de Janeiro, según la policía brasileña

At least nine people were killed in a police raid in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, authorities said on Wednesday.

The operation aimed to locate and arrest members of criminal groups, and during the operation, authorities were attacked by armed individuals, according to the police.

An officer was injured but is in stable condition after being hospitalized.

Among the dead are Fiel and Du Leme, leaders of the impoverished neighborhoods of Juramento and Chatuba, locally known as «favelas,» the police said.

Seven rifles, ammunition, and grenades were seized from the suspects, according to the police.

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Publicado el: 2023-08-02 14:56:26
En la sección: América Latina – Voice of America

Publicado en Latinoamérica